Bestseller Metals, and How to Earn Badges

When one of your titles sells a certain number of units and reaches a designated threshold, it gets marked as a bestselling title. This status is distinguished by badges marked with a type of precious metal. These bestseller badges are commonly referred to as "metal badges" or "metal rankings." Badge graphics to use for marketing are available for download.

Metal rankings are merged across all sites. No matter what DriveThru site you visit or where customers might have purchased your title, it will show the same metal ranking.

In order for a title to qualify for inclusion toward rankings, it must have sold for a minimum of $0.20 USD. Titles purchased at a lower sale price will not be counted.

If you have recently passed a threshold and do not yet see the proper metal badge, please wait 24 hours before contacting Partner Relations; our servers sometimes need time to recalculate and award metal badges.

Here are the thresholds needed to earn each badge:

  • Copper: 51 units sold
  • Silver: 101
  • Electrum: 251
  • Gold: 501
  • Platinum: 1,001
  • Mithral: 2,501
  • Adamantine: 5,001


  • Titles sold prior to the title's first release date (such as titles sent out to Kickstarter backers, even if they are paid copies and not comps) do not count toward metal rankings.
  • Only the anchor title (the title that receives the funds) of charity bundles receives the sale. Therefore, charity bundles (especially conducted by DriveThru) will not increase your metal ranking for the title you submit.
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