To set up Freelancer Royalties, simply click here: Freelancer/Royalty Tools
This tool helps you manage royalties you might owe freelancers or licensors on the sale of your products. You can create royalty recipients, assign them royalties on selected products, and run reports that show what royalties they earned over any given sales period. You also have the option of having the royalty recipient paid directly from your sales if the recipient has a customer account on the site.
As of Tuesday, May 9th, 2023, verified partners can adjust auto-paid royalties using the freelancer/licensor royalty tool. In the past, you needed to reach out to Partner Relations to make those adjustments, but going forward, verified Partners, including Community Creators, can do it themselves.
The recipient will receive a courtesy email that looks like this after the adjustment has been made:
Subject: Royalty Amount Changed for (title)
This is a courtesy email from (site) to inform you that (publisher) has updated your royalty amount for (title, linked to catalog listing) from (old percent) to (new percent).
If you feel this update was made in error, please contact (publisher) and our Partner Relations team by submitting a request through our webform.
Thank you,
Partner Relations