Email Customers to Notify Them of Your Crowdfunding Project

While onsite advertising is reserved for those titles actively available for sale in our marketplace, you can contact Partner Relations to have an email sent out to your DriveThruRPG (or DriveThruCards, DriveThruFiction, etc.) customers to alert them to your crowdfunding project.

The requirements for project promotion emails are as follows:

  • Promotional emails can only be sent to your existing customers (those who have ordered other titles of yours through DriveThru storefronts).
  • Only projects being fulfilled through DriveThru storefronts may be promoted via customer email.
    • We require you include a "fulfilled by" graphic visibly on your crowdfunding campaign's front page.
    • Download the relevant images from this page: Crowdsource Graphics
  • You may have us send up to two emails via our customer email tool per crowdfunding campaign. Usually, this means one at the beginning and one at the end of your campaign, however we can also do so before your campaign begins, directing customers to a pre-launch page.
  • You must submit your email request at least two business days before the desired send date. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee your email will be sent. Please keep in mind the Partner Relations team does not work weekends and cannot send customer emails out on Saturday or Sunday.
  • DriveThru reserves the right to reject any email from being sent for any reason.

How to Schedule a Crowdfunding Email

  1. At least two (2) business days before you want your email sent, email To help us process these mailings, use the subject line: "Crowdfunding Mail — Your Publisher Name — Date To Send Email" (For example: "Crowdfunding Mail — Onyx Path Publishing — October 9th")
  2. In the body of that email, include the subject line (max 8 words / 50 characters) and the full body text of your email. If you have further instructions or questions, please keep them clear from the text you want sent to customers. Please specify if your mail is being sent in advance of the campaign—to the pre-launch page, for example.
  3. Attach 1-2 graphics to make your email stand out (max 1024 pixels wide, 144DPI).
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