Walkthrough to Set up a Card Title

Set up a Title Record

  1. From your Publisher Hub, select TITLE MANAGEMENT>Set up a new title.
  2. If you’re only printing with us, you still need basic title information:
    1. Title
    2. $0.00 for PDF price (whether or not you intend to upload/offer a downloadable print-n-play PDF)
    3. Cover image (you can use this placeholder cover to make things easy)
    4. Check at least one Category Assignment filter. (You may also checkbox other filters that best describe your card product.)
    5. Click Save Title Data and Continue to Preview Description
  3. OPTIONAL. If you intend to sell your printed cards on DriveThru, include additional information:
    1. Author(s) and Artist(s).
    2. Number of cards (cards in the deck, not number of PDF pages).
    3. Provide a write-up in the Product Page Text area. (Note: External links are not permitted but may be included in Purchase Notes.)
    4. You may include a game-play or tutorial Video URL (found near the bottom).
    5. You may include a Purchase Note. (Thank customers, suggestively sell another product, etc.)
    6. Click Save Title Data and Continue to Preview Description.
  4. The next page shows a series of technical line items. From here you have three options:
    1. To see how your title page looks to customers, click Preview Title Listing in New Window.
    2. If you want to tweak your listing, you may Edit Title Data.
    3. And, if all looks good, click Save and Continue.

Upload Your Print-Ready File (Or See “Additional Options” below If Not Ready to Upload)

  1. On the resulting page, click Upload print-ready file. A new window opens.
  2. Choose Card Type. (This is where you choose both card stock and card size.)
  3. Drag and drop your print-ready PDF into the drop zone (or "click here" to choose your PDF).
  4. Click Begin Card File Upload. (When complete, the Status Messages area should update with a "successfully uploaded!" message.)
  5. If tuckbox is not desiredClick here after uploading your files.
  6. If custom-printed tuckbox is desired:
    1. Be sure your tuckbox is prepped according to the required specifications.
    2. Choose tuckbox size from the drop-down menu. (For example, Yes, 54-card tuckbox.)
    3. Drag and drop your print-ready tuckbox PDF into the drop zone (or "click here" to choose your tuckbox PDF).
    4. Click Begin Tuckbox File Upload. (When complete, the Status Messages area should update with a "successfully uploaded!" message.)
    5. Click here after uploading your files.

Set Pricing

  1. If you’re only printing with us, click Complete Setup.
  2. If you intend to sell on DriveThru’s marketplace, input Margin above Print Cost to set Selling Price. Click Complete Setup.

Order a Proof

From your Publisher Hub, click Must order proof. (Proof required prior to placing a larger order or prior to activating a title for sale.)

Additional options

  • Not ready to upload a print-ready PDF during initial setup?

You may upload at a later time. From your Publisher Hub, click Add new format>Add print card version and follow the above steps under Upload your file (beginning with step 2).

  • Do you want to offer a digital print-n-play?

1) During initial setup, click Upload digital files.
2) Or, later, from your Publisher Hub, click either Add download or TITLE MANAGEMENT>Update digital download files for a title.

  • How do I upload a rulebook (rulesheet)?

1) During initial setup, click Upload rulebook file.
2) Or, later, from your Publisher Hub, click CARD PRINTING>Upload rulebook and manage previews. Follow the prompts.
3) A View Rulebook link will now appear under your cover image.

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