Earnings on Printed Book Sales

When you set up a print option, you are shown the current cost to print each copy of the product. You are then asked to set the margin you want for that title. You can do so in your Publisher Hub under Title Management, Edit a title listing.


We print titles in both the US and the UK, whichever offers better freight terms to the customer. Print costs in the US and UK are different, so a slightly different print cost is deducted from orders for your printed titles depending on where it was printed. Due to this, you may see increased royalties from certain orders on your Sales Report.

When you set the price of your title, we show you the higher of the US or UK print cost so you know the worst-case scenario for your margin per sale.


Let’s say the cost to print your book in the U.S. is $11.30. You choose to set a retail price of $19.99, making your margin per sale $8.69 (i.e., $19.99 - $11.30).

When a printed copy sells, we split that $8.69 margin with you, per our usual earnings agreement (i.e., at the same percentage you get on download sales, depending on whether you are an exclusive or non-exclusive partner). Thus, if you sell your digital titles exclusively with us, meaning your earnings are 70% per sale, you would receive 70% of $8.69 (or $6.08) per book sold.

This earning amount is credited to your publishing partner account earnings in real time, just as when a customer purchases one of your digital download products.

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